Category Archives: Electronic

How I make PCBs for my Prototypes

In this article I want to explain how I make PCBs for my projects.

As you can see on my articles and YouTube channel, if I build something, I always want to have the best result. Before I started to order my PCBs at a PCB Manufacturer, I etched my PCBs myself and I used many different PCB making techniques. From the toner transfer to photo positive layer technique.

At some point I was intrigued to try to order PCBs for my prototypes from a PCB Manufacturer and hoping that they look better. After researching in internet, I stumbled upon a company named JLCPCB. Here is the link: We can order up to 4-layer PCBs for as low as $2 and they also offer free-SMT-assembly for us.

So I ordered small quantity PCBs and after around 2 weeks the arrived. I was surprised to see the quality of the product. They are awesome!

To draw the PCBs I use PCB designer software KiCAD. KiCAD is an open-source circuit and PCB designing software. You can export your project on KiCAD and upload the files to JLCPCB website to order your PCB. Here is the link to the KiCAD website:

Here are some of my PCBs from JLCPCB:

They look professional don’t they?

CDI for mass production

Health Benefits of Kratom

Kratom, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia. In recent years, it has gained popularity worldwide for its various health benefits.

Pain Relief
One of the most well-known benefits of kratom is its ability to alleviate pain. Kratom contains alkaloids that act on the body’s opioid receptors, providing relief from both acute and chronic pain conditions.

Stress Reduction
Kratom has also been reported to have anxiolytic properties, helping individuals manage stress and anxiety. It can induce a sense of calmness and relaxation without causing sedation, making it a popular choice for those dealing with daily stressors.

Mood Enhancement
Many users report experiencing mood enhancement effects after consuming kratom. It can uplift mood and promote feelings of happiness and contentment, making it useful for individuals struggling with depression or low mood.

Energy Boost
Certain strains of kratom are known for their energizing effects. By stimulating the release of adrenaline and dopamine, kratom can increase energy levels and improve focus and productivity.

Immune System Support
Some studies suggest that kratom may have immunostimulant properties, helping to strengthen the immune system and protect against infections and illnesses.

Addiction Recovery Aid
Kratom has shown promise as a tool for overcoming addiction to opioids and other substances. Its opioid-like effects can help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings, making it easier for individuals to transition to sobriety.

How Kratom Works in the Body
Kratom contains several active compounds, including mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which are responsible for its effects on the body. These alkaloids interact with various receptors in the brain and body, including opioid receptors, serotonin receptors, and adrenergic receptors.

Alkaloids in Kratom
The primary alkaloid in kratom, mitragynine, acts as a partial agonist at opioid receptors, producing analgesic and euphoric effects. 7-hydroxymitragynine, another key alkaloid, is thought to be responsible for the potent analgesic properties of kratom.

Interaction with Receptors
In addition to opioid receptors, kratom alkaloids also interact with other neurotransmitter systems in the brain, including the serotonin and adrenergic systems. This complex pharmacological profile contributes to kratom’s diverse range of effects.

Safety and Side Effects
While kratom can offer numerous health benefits, it is essential to use it responsibly to minimize the risk of adverse effects.

Potential Risks
Some potential side effects of kratom include nausea, dizziness, constipation, and dry mouth. In rare cases, more severe adverse effects such as seizures, respiratory depression, and liver toxicity may occur, particularly with high doses or prolonged use.

Proper Usage Guidelines
To reduce the risk of side effects, it is crucial to use kratom in moderation and follow recommended dosage guidelines. It is also advisable to avoid mixing kratom with other substances, particularly alcohol or other drugs.

Precautions to Take
Individuals with certain medical conditions or those taking medications should exercise caution when using kratom. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating kratom into your wellness routine, especially if you have underlying health concerns.

Legal Status and Controversy
The legal status of kratom varies from country to country and is subject to ongoing debate and controversy.

Legal Status in Different Countries
While kratom is legal in many countries, including the United States, Canada, and several European nations, it is banned or restricted in others, such as Australia, Thailand, and Malaysia. The legality of kratom is often influenced by concerns about its safety and potential for abuse.


Here is one of my current projects. I’m planning to produce and market this product.

CDI PCB and Casing

CDI PCB and Casing

Here is the sparks…

Interrupter Circuit

Here is the interrupter circuit that I use on some of my plasma ignition videos. I also call this circuit “ignition coil igniter”. It consists of a frequency generator and two switching MOSFETs. 555 timer IC is utilized to generate pulses. The frequency can be adjusted by turning the potentiometer. This circuit can drive two ignition coils at the same time. I designed this circuit this way because I want to be able to make comparison between two ignition setups and see the result side-by-side.

What is the Most Effective Urine Drug Test?

Urine drug tests are a common method used to detect the presence of various substances in a person’s system. They are widely employed in various settings, including workplaces, healthcare facilities, and legal situations. Understanding the effectiveness of urine drug tests is crucial for ensuring accurate results and making informed decisions.

Types of Urine Drug Tests

There are primarily two types of urine drug tests: instant tests and laboratory tests. Instant tests provide quick results but may have lower accuracy compared to laboratory tests, which involve more thorough analysis.

Effectiveness of Urine Drug Tests

The effectiveness of urine drug test depends on several factors, including sensitivity, specificity, and detection windows. Sensitivity refers to the test’s ability to correctly identify the presence of a substance, while specificity indicates its ability to accurately rule out the presence of a substance. Detection windows vary depending on the drug being tested and can range from a few hours to several days.

Factors Affecting Test Accuracy

Several factors can influence the accuracy of urine drug tests, including the frequency of drug use, metabolism rate, type of drug, and testing method. Individuals who use drugs frequently may have higher concentrations of substances in their urine, making them easier to detect. Metabolism rate can also affect how quickly drugs are eliminated from the body, potentially impacting test results.

Most Effective Urine Drug Test

The most effective urine drug test is one that balances accuracy with practicality. While laboratory tests tend to offer higher accuracy, instant tests are often more convenient and cost-effective. Choosing the right test depends on various factors, including the individual’s circumstances and the purpose of the testing.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Urine drug testing has several advantages, including its non-invasive nature and the ability to detect a wide range of substances. However, it also has limitations, such as the potential for false positives and the inability to detect recent drug use.

Choosing the Right Test

When selecting a urine drug test, it’s essential to consider factors such as the individual’s drug use history and the reason for testing. For example, someone undergoing routine workplace testing may opt for a less invasive instant test, while a clinical setting may require more comprehensive laboratory testing.

Commonly Tested Substances

Urine drug tests can detect various substances, including marijuana, cocaine, opiates, and amphetamines. Each drug has its detection window, which can influence the timing of testing.

Accuracy in Different Situations

The accuracy of urine drug tests can vary depending on the setting. Workplace drug testing, for example, may have different requirements than testing in clinical settings. Understanding these differences is essential for interpreting test results accurately.

Here is the schematic:

Interrupter Schematic Diagram

Before I drew the schematic, I tested various combinations on a breadboard. I use KiCAD to draw the schematic and also the PCB. On the final version I use IRF740 instead of IRF540. This type of MOSFET can handle higher voltage compare to the previous one.

Here is my home made PCB:

PCB bottom view
PCB top view

After the prototype was successfully built, I ordered the PCB from Also Kaizen Technology offers services like Surface Mount Assembly, Prototype PCB Assembly, and Fast turn PCB Assembly.

Here is how it looks like:

PCB bottom view
PCB top view

That was the story of my ignition coil interrupter.

Capacitive battery charger

Disclaimer: Electricity is dangerous. High voltage and high current can kill you! Do not try to build this circuitry if you don’t have enough knowledge in electricity. If you still want to build this circuit, do it at your own risk! I don’t take any responsibility of what you do and its consequence. This article is intended for informational purpose only.


Not long ago I built a battery charger that uses capacitor as current limiter and voltage devider. Despite of simple schematic, this circuit has very good performance. It charged my 6 Volt 235AH dead battery from ~1 Volt to over 6 Volt within 15 minutes! But the charging process is kind of scary because of the (hydrogen and oxygen) bubbles crackling sound created during the process. Do not charge a battery in a closed (non-ventilated) room. Do it outside your house.


Here is the picture with the box opened:


Here is a picture of my test circuit:

capcharger04Here is the capacitor that I use (AC capacitor must be used):

capcharger05This is my schematic:

capcharger_scm_cutThe function of the switch is to change the total capacitance value of capacitor. The higher the capacitance value, the higher the charging current, which also means faster charging rate but with more heat generation.

And here is my explanation of how this circuit works:

capcharger_expl01_scm_cutcapcharger_expl02_scm_cutAnd here is the simplified explanation:


Beck’s Zapper

 Tips for Returning to a Healthy Lifestyle

Tips for Returning to a Healthy Lifestyle

Spring Back into Your Fitness Routine: 5 Tips for Returning to a Healthy Lifestyle After a Cold Weather Hiatus

With warmer summer weather right around the corner, now more than ever is a great time to start working out. If like many others, you fell out of your usual fitness routine during the colder months, now is a perfect time to pick things back up again. Here’s a list of tips to help you safely and effectively get back into a fitness routine.

Tip 1: Ease Back into It

While taking a longer break from exercise, the body will decondition on its own. No matter how often you were exercising before, it will still take time to get back to that level after time off. Pushing yourself too hard, too quickly, greatly elevates the risk of injury. So, start slowly with lighter and shorter exercises before gradually increasing the duration and intensity when your body feels ready for it. Check out these ignite drops reviews.

Tip 2: Adjust Your Diet Alongside Exercising

Busy schedules and the colder months indoors can make it hard to stick to a healthy routine, and that includes a healthy diet. After some time off, properly fueling your body will be as important as ever. Keeping an eye on hydration and adding good carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to your diet will help you get back up to speed on your routine. Additionally, make sure to eat or drink something within 15 minutes of finishing your workout to help refuel.

Tip 3: It Helps to Set Goals

Having goals can help you monitor your progress and stay on track while returning to your healthy fitness routine. It helps to start with smaller, attainable goals to get the ball rolling and kick things off with a positive spin. Be sure to reward yourself with a day of rest or something you enjoy to keep your body well rested and your return to fitness, fun.

Tip 4: Stretch Often

Stretching for 10 to 15 minutes before working out is a great way to help avoid injuries. Using that time to stretch will also help to maximise your performance, making your workout even more effective. Particularly after a long period of not working out, your muscles will be tight and not prepared for more strenuous activities which makes including a good stretch before working out, even more important. This is how Male enhancement pills works.

Tip 5: Trust Your Body

When first jumping back into working out, be sure to listen to your body and see how it responds to your exercising. So much of fitness depends on knowing your body’s limits and not pushing them too far. A sprain or strain, or even a stress fracture is possible by pushing your body too fast. Be sure to seek medical evaluation before working out again if you deal with any of these potential setbacks. Trying to push through the injuries or ignoring them can cause further injury, a longer recovery, or other possible problems. It can be helpful to check in with your consultant before starting a new fitness routine or restarting one after a long period of inactivity.

The UPMC Sports Medicine Clinic at WIT Arena offers sports medicine consultations and an injury clinic with same day diagnostics for athletes and active people – even those just getting back to activity. Patients may self-refer directly and virtual appointments are also available.

Hulda Clark’s Zapper

The benefits of eating fish


Fish is a high-protein, low-fat food that provides a range of health benefits. White-fleshed fish, in particular, is lower in fat than any other source of animal protein, and oily fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, or the “good” fats. Since the human body can’t make significant amounts of these essential nutrients, fish are an important part of the diet. Also, fish are low in the “bad” fats commonly found in red meat, called omega-6 fatty acids.

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A growing body of evidence indicates that omega-3 fatty acids provide a number of health benefits. They:

  • help maintain cardiovascular health by playing a role in the regulation of blood clotting and vessel constriction;
  • are important for prenatal and postnatal neurological development;
  • may reduce tissue inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • may play a beneficial role in cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), reducing depression and halting mental decline in older people.

The omega-3s found in fish (EPA and DHA) appear to provide the greatest health benefits. Fish that are high in omega-3s, low in environmental contaminants and eco-friendly include:

  • wild salmon from Alaska (fresh, frozen and canned),
  • Arctic char,
  • Atlantic mackerel,
  • sardines,
  • sablefish,
  • anchovies
  • farmed rainbow trout and
  • albacore tuna from the U.S. and Canada.


Besides eating fish, another way to consume omega-3 fatty acids is by taking store-bought supplements. Fish oils come from both fish caught as food for humans and from small fish caught for animal feed, such as Peruvian anchovies. These are the best Male enhancement pills.

A word of caution: contaminants such as PCBs accumulate in fish oil just as they do in fish, so make sure to buy capsules that are made from purified fish oil


Alternative sources of omega-3s come from terrestrial sources like flaxseed, walnuts and wheat germ. While still beneficial, these do not appear to provide as a great a health benefit as the omega-3s found in fish, shellfish and marine algae.


Fish is generally a healthy food source and can be safely eaten in most cases. But depending on your age and health circumstances, some people should limit the amounts of fish they eat. Consider the following:

  • For young children and women of childbearing age, excessive consumption of mercury-contaminated fish can severely impact a child’s development.
  • Older women and men may find it an acceptable tradeoff to exceed recommended seafood meal limits to increase their omega-3 intake.
  • People at high risk of cardiovascular disease must weigh the cancer risk of eating fish high in PCBs with the benefits of eating fish high in omega-3s, in which case the benefits of omega-3s may outweigh the cancer risk (1 in 100,000 – the level recommended by the EPA). However, these chemicals are known to cause serious health problems besides cancer, so the tradeoffs are not simple.
  • The good news is that there are several low-contaminant, high-omega-3 seafood options available (see list above), so there’s no need to risk eating contaminated fish.

Universal battery charger


This is my version of John Bedini style solid state radiant charger. This charger gives out voltage spikes of around 700 Volts from 12 Volt DC input. In spite of very simple basic circuit, it can charge any size of battery with different voltage at once.


It even splits pure tap water (without any additional electrolyte) into hydrogen and oxygen.


Here is the shape of output signal.


Here is the basic circuit schematic.


Here are some more pictures.