Beck’s Zapper

 Tips for Returning to a Healthy Lifestyle

Tips for Returning to a Healthy Lifestyle

Spring Back into Your Fitness Routine: 5 Tips for Returning to a Healthy Lifestyle After a Cold Weather Hiatus

With warmer summer weather right around the corner, now more than ever is a great time to start working out. If like many others, you fell out of your usual fitness routine during the colder months, now is a perfect time to pick things back up again. Here’s a list of tips to help you safely and effectively get back into a fitness routine.

Tip 1: Ease Back into It

While taking a longer break from exercise, the body will decondition on its own. No matter how often you were exercising before, it will still take time to get back to that level after time off. Pushing yourself too hard, too quickly, greatly elevates the risk of injury. So, start slowly with lighter and shorter exercises before gradually increasing the duration and intensity when your body feels ready for it. Check out these ignite drops reviews.

Tip 2: Adjust Your Diet Alongside Exercising

Busy schedules and the colder months indoors can make it hard to stick to a healthy routine, and that includes a healthy diet. After some time off, properly fueling your body will be as important as ever. Keeping an eye on hydration and adding good carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to your diet will help you get back up to speed on your routine. Additionally, make sure to eat or drink something within 15 minutes of finishing your workout to help refuel.

Tip 3: It Helps to Set Goals

Having goals can help you monitor your progress and stay on track while returning to your healthy fitness routine. It helps to start with smaller, attainable goals to get the ball rolling and kick things off with a positive spin. Be sure to reward yourself with a day of rest or something you enjoy to keep your body well rested and your return to fitness, fun.

Tip 4: Stretch Often

Stretching for 10 to 15 minutes before working out is a great way to help avoid injuries. Using that time to stretch will also help to maximise your performance, making your workout even more effective. Particularly after a long period of not working out, your muscles will be tight and not prepared for more strenuous activities which makes including a good stretch before working out, even more important. This is how Male enhancement pills works.

Tip 5: Trust Your Body

When first jumping back into working out, be sure to listen to your body and see how it responds to your exercising. So much of fitness depends on knowing your body’s limits and not pushing them too far. A sprain or strain, or even a stress fracture is possible by pushing your body too fast. Be sure to seek medical evaluation before working out again if you deal with any of these potential setbacks. Trying to push through the injuries or ignoring them can cause further injury, a longer recovery, or other possible problems. It can be helpful to check in with your consultant before starting a new fitness routine or restarting one after a long period of inactivity.

The UPMC Sports Medicine Clinic at WIT Arena offers sports medicine consultations and an injury clinic with same day diagnostics for athletes and active people – even those just getting back to activity. Patients may self-refer directly and virtual appointments are also available.

Hulda Clark’s Zapper

The benefits of eating fish


Fish is a high-protein, low-fat food that provides a range of health benefits. White-fleshed fish, in particular, is lower in fat than any other source of animal protein, and oily fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, or the “good” fats. Since the human body can’t make significant amounts of these essential nutrients, fish are an important part of the diet. Also, fish are low in the “bad” fats commonly found in red meat, called omega-6 fatty acids.

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A growing body of evidence indicates that omega-3 fatty acids provide a number of health benefits. They:

  • help maintain cardiovascular health by playing a role in the regulation of blood clotting and vessel constriction;
  • are important for prenatal and postnatal neurological development;
  • may reduce tissue inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • may play a beneficial role in cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), reducing depression and halting mental decline in older people.

The omega-3s found in fish (EPA and DHA) appear to provide the greatest health benefits. Fish that are high in omega-3s, low in environmental contaminants and eco-friendly include:

  • wild salmon from Alaska (fresh, frozen and canned),
  • Arctic char,
  • Atlantic mackerel,
  • sardines,
  • sablefish,
  • anchovies
  • farmed rainbow trout and
  • albacore tuna from the U.S. and Canada.


Besides eating fish, another way to consume omega-3 fatty acids is by taking store-bought supplements. Fish oils come from both fish caught as food for humans and from small fish caught for animal feed, such as Peruvian anchovies. These are the best Male enhancement pills.

A word of caution: contaminants such as PCBs accumulate in fish oil just as they do in fish, so make sure to buy capsules that are made from purified fish oil


Alternative sources of omega-3s come from terrestrial sources like flaxseed, walnuts and wheat germ. While still beneficial, these do not appear to provide as a great a health benefit as the omega-3s found in fish, shellfish and marine algae.


Fish is generally a healthy food source and can be safely eaten in most cases. But depending on your age and health circumstances, some people should limit the amounts of fish they eat. Consider the following:

  • For young children and women of childbearing age, excessive consumption of mercury-contaminated fish can severely impact a child’s development.
  • Older women and men may find it an acceptable tradeoff to exceed recommended seafood meal limits to increase their omega-3 intake.
  • People at high risk of cardiovascular disease must weigh the cancer risk of eating fish high in PCBs with the benefits of eating fish high in omega-3s, in which case the benefits of omega-3s may outweigh the cancer risk (1 in 100,000 – the level recommended by the EPA). However, these chemicals are known to cause serious health problems besides cancer, so the tradeoffs are not simple.
  • The good news is that there are several low-contaminant, high-omega-3 seafood options available (see list above), so there’s no need to risk eating contaminated fish.

Bluetooth mouse on Tiny Core Linux

Here is how I connect my bluetooth mouse on Tiny Core Linux:

1. From “Apps” install “bluez”, “dbus”, “python”, “dbus-python-2.7” and “pygobject-2.7”:






2. Check local bluetooth device:

hcitool dev


3. Press button to make the mouse discoverable and type:

hcitool scan


4. Check if we can create connection to the mouse:

sudo hidd --connect 00:02:76:16:14:5C

5. Now we should get connection to the mouse, but we want to automate the connection. Using “simple-agent” we create a new device for the mouse. PIN Code is 0000.

simple-agent hci0 00:02:76:16:14:5C


6. Make the mouse “Trusted”:

dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=org.bluez "/org/bluez/4506/hci0/dev_00_02_76_16_14_5C" org.bluez.Device.SetProperty string:Trusted variant:boolean:true


After step 6, please check to make sure that file “trusts” in the device folder exists and mouse address is written in that file. This is important for the automatic connection.

7. At this point if the mouse has lost connection it should be reconnected automatically (for example turn the mouse off and turn it on again). Next step is to make this connection persistent across boots. Install “squashfs-tools-4.x” if it’s not already installed:


8. Create device folder for mybluetooth extension:

mkdir mybluetooth
mkdir mybluetooth/var
mkdir mybluetooth/var/lib
mkdir mybluetooth/var/lib/bluetooth

9. Copy folder 00:15:83:12:3E:23 and its content to mybluetooth folder:

cp -R /var/lib/bluetooth/00\:15\:83\:12\:3E\:23/ mybluetooth/var/lib/bluetooth/.

10. Create “mybluetooth” extension:

mksquashfs mybluetooth mybluetooth.tcz

11. Copy extension to tce folder:

cp mybluetooth.tcz /mnt/sda1/tce/optional/.

12. Edit onboot.lst file:

echo mybluetooth.tcz >> /mnt/sda1/tce/onboot.lst

13. Now bluetooth mouse should automatically connected to Tiny Core Linux at boot time. Happy bluetoothing!



The start of September means many things for families all across the country: The leaves are slowly beginning to change colors, the days are getting shorter and the sky is becoming darker earlier, and the temperature outside is dropping steadily each and every day. While this transitional time of year is exciting and a favorite for many people, these changes can also be very stressful and hectic for those trying to keep up with their health and fitness routines of summer. Visit

As the weather changes and the summer temperatures disappear, it can be very difficult to stay motivated. However, with the changing of the season comes a new time to rethink and restart your health and fitness routine. Plus, kicking off a fresh new fitness program this autumn will also help you create good habits to transition into the upcoming winter months.

Whether you are looking to bring your healthy summer habits into the fall season, or you want to start a fresh new workout regime this autumn, it is important to plan ahead for seasonal changes and learn about the best ways to make the most of the weather outside. To help you get started, we have put together these fall fitness tips that will help you stay healthy and keep in shape this season:

1. Get Outside

The crisp autumn air and gorgeous fall colors outside make the perfect backdrop for your daily workouts. If you are looking to take in some fresh scenery and soak up the smells and sights of the season, head to some local parks or trails in your area to try out walking, hiking or cycling. These simple activities are great for both adults and children, and provide just enough exercise to get your heart pumping and your legs moving. Or, if you are lucky enough to live near water, try kayaking or canoeing for an excellent whole-body workout.

2. Dress In Layers

One of the most important things to remember whenever you are exercising outside in cooler temperatures is to dress appropriately. For instance, wearing wind-shielding clothing and dressing in layers will help you to stay warm and make your fitness activities more enjoyable. While you may feel chilled before your body gets a chance to warm up, layers will help protect your body against the outdoor elements and will keep you warm during your workout. Try out Deccanherald.

3. Stick With Your Fitness Program

While it may be tempting to roll over and hit the snooze button on those particularly chilly mornings, you should try and stick with your exercise routine for at least a month. This is because it takes about four weeks for behavioral patterns to sink in and for your body to adapt to the lifestyle changes you are making. Exercising takes constant commitment and motivation. Therefore, be sure to schedule it into your daily routine, just like you would with chores or meals, so that you do not give up on your fitness program so easily.

Do you have any more tips for staying motivated and active during the autumn months? Be sure to let us know in the comments below. In the mean time, be sure to check in with your local YMCA to learn about the beneficial health and fitness classes we are offering this fall.

Set or change mp3 Tag on Linux

Some time ago I was asked by a friend of how to change the information of mp3 file. After a little bit of googling, I found a tool called “id3tool” in debian squeeze. To use it just install using apt:

apt-get install id3tool

To see the functionality of this tool, just type:

id3tool -h


Happy Tagging!

CD burning from command line

This is how I burn ISO image using command line on Debian Squeeze:

1. Install “wodim” if it’s not already installed:

apt-get install wodim

2. Check available device:

wodim --devices


3. Burn ISO image (in this example CorePlus-4.7.7.iso from folder Downloads):

wodim -v dev=/dev/scd0 Downloads/CorePlus-4.7.7.iso


4. That’s it. Happy CD burning!

Install flash player on Tiny Core Linux

Here is how I install flash player on Tiny Core Linux:

1. Download Adobe Flash Player version from Macromedia archive server:


2. Extract the downloaded file:


3. Create directories:

mkdir myflash
mkdir myflash/usr
mkdir myflash/usr/local
mkdir myflash/usr/local/firefox-official
mkdir myflash/usr/local/firefox-official/plugins

4. Copy “” to “plugins” directory:

cp fp_11.1.102.63_archive/11_1r102_63_32bit/ myflash/usr/local/firefox-official/plugins/.

5. Install “squashfs-tools-4.x.tcz” using “Apps”:


6. Create “myflash.tcz” extension:

mksquashfs myflash myflash.tcz

7. Copy “myflash.tcz” into tce directory:

cp myflash.tcz /mnt/sda1/tce/optional/.

8. Append “myflash.tcz” in “onboot.lst” file:

echo myflash.tcz >> /mnt/sda1/tce/onboot.lst

9. Restart computer, start Firefox and open a website with flash.


10. Enjoy!

How to Create a Healthy Fitness Routine

Maintaining a regular fitness routine can be challenging in the beginning. For many of us, it might feel like a chore that’s only too easy to talk ourselves out of. But by following these steps below, you’ll be surprised how simple it is to commit to a healthy fitness routine. Read more about volume pills benefits.

Fitness Routine Tips

One of the easiest ways to get started is to set a realistic plan. Start small before gradually building momentum.

1. Assess Your Fitness Level

Most of us have a good sense of our general capabilities. But doing an initial assessment and recording your baseline scores gives you a starting point from which to measure your progress. Your overall fitness includes endurance, strength, balance, flexibility, and body composition or body mass index (BMI).

Your BMI measures measures height and weight, while body composition measures your fat and lean muscle. However, it is important to be aware that BMI rate is not always an accurate representation of body fat or indicative of where that fat is concentrated.

Therefore, it is helpful to enlist the support of a personal trainer, as they can also measure waist circumference and establish whether you are carrying excess fat around the organs. A personal trainer can also keep you motivated and accountable to ensure that you don’t lose enthusiasm before you have obtained the results you were looking for. Alternatively, apps such as Google Fit, MyFitnessPal, and Fiit can help measure and track your overall physical fitness. These are the latest Testoprime reviews.

2. Set Realistic Fitness Goals

If you’re just starting out, it’s best to start slowly and incrementally increase the number of exercises you do each day until you get a routine you can stick to. If your goal is to force yourself to do an hour of daily exercise straight off the bat, it’s less likely you will stick to it in the long term. This is why it is better to pace yourself. This is supported by research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, which found that incremental exercise training is more likely to have a positive effect on motivation.

3. Be Consistent

For any plan to be successful, consistency is key. It is much better to exercise for a few minutes at a time each day than to exercise for an hour every once in a while. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, multiple short bouts of exercise were proven to be effective in motivating people to exercise more and had a positive impact on cardiovascular health and obesity.

You are more likely to maintain an exercise routine over time if you make it a habit and do it regularly. Research shows that once you replace a negative habit with a healthier one, the effectiveness of your long-term fitness strategy goes up.

4. Schedule Your Workouts

Once you have a realistic fitness plan in place, schedule your exercises at the same time every day to get into a rhythm. Organizing your schedule and expectations ahead of time makes it much easier to commit to a routine and make it a regular part of the day, like brushing your teeth.

Rename multiple files on Linux

“rename” is a very handy tool that we can use to rename multiple files on Linux. To change all upper case filenames to lower case just use:

rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *

To change filename img_0001.jpg .. img_XXXX.jpg to Urlaub_0001.jpg .. Urlaub_XXXX.jpg just do:

rename 's/^/Urlaub/' img*

To display the manual just type:

man rename

For more “rename” information click here.

TeamViewer on Linux

Here’s how I install TeamViewer on Debian Squeeze.

1. In shell console, type:



2. Then install it using:

sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_linux.deb

3. And start TeamViewer from start menu.


4. Enjoy!